It's not a new situation, it's just coming to light in a new way now. A lot of these kids grow up without any idea of what REAL love is. The divorce rate has been higher than 50% since I was a kid, so look at their examples. They usually live with one parent and visit the other periodically, if at all. So, a lot of what they receive from one of their parents is talk, and a small amount of action.* Some of these kids didn't get talk or action because a lot of them do not even know who their Dad is. Regardless, my point is a majority of our 20 somethings have a concept of love that is very shallow. They haven't seen deep love in action, THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT LOOKS LIKE.
Disclaimer* I realize that there are some parents out there who manage to get divorced and still raise very well rounded children. I also realize that there are some parents who have been dealt a raw deal and it is not their desire to be a part time parent. I'm in no way attacking the parent's; I'm merely pointing out a deficiency in this generation.

I look at these kids in amazement sometimes at how they actually seek out the SHALLOW love INSTEAD of SOMETHING DEEPER. It blows my mind. They crave the attention the person gives, more than the person themselves. They would rather have someone tell them what they want to hear, and do the opposite, than have someone who actually lives it. They find themselves being unable to build a lasting relationship because it's not built on anything but lip service. They are self-centered; it's all about how can YOU make ME feel, when it what it should be all about is how can I make YOU feel. What actions can I take to show you how valuable you are to me. Real love is so much more than sex and words! This cheap imitation version of love they think they have now will never be strong enough to weather the storms in life. If they ever learn to actually recognize the real thing, they will finally learn how to build a relationship that works.