Today was a decent day. I was busy all day long, which makes life easier. I still find sleeping to be the best part of life, so when a day is crammed full it makes the day go faster. I still dream of Steve pretty often, so sleeping is a nice escape from reality for me.
The good in today: I had my hair colored today; I can't stand it when my hair starts showing the gray. My oldest daughter called, my son and nephew came to see me, and I attempted to talk to a friend about 5 different times today. Attempting to talk to a friend doesn't seem like a big deal, but I'm very introverted and I never make phone calls, so it was a step for me. I also voted today.

The major thought processes today: 1. Somehow I have to get my brain functioning again. I keep forgetting everything and that's not going to work out in law school very well.
2. As much as I thought I was getting over questioning God, I realized when talking to someone that I am still questioning Him in some ways. Someone made the statement that a certain situation didn't have to be the way it is; we could pray for God to intervene and change it. I know God could definitely do it, but would He.
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